Leaving Your Life Imprint

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Includes author’s personal signature.

About the Author and Book

Kenny Mauck, author of “Leaving your Life Imprint” is a speaker, writer, founder of two legacy non-profit companies, ordained minister, singer, song writer, and a man who believes everyone’s life story is significant to God, one that needs redeemed, affirmed, empowered, and cherished. Kenny uses the term in book, “Keeper of the Story” as a reminder that we as parents, uncles, aunts, and grandparents have duty to pass on to our children a heritage of faith, hope, trust, love, with pictures, letters, and stories whereby they feel affirmed and cherished.

Kenny wrote this inspired story  “Leaving your Life Imprint” as a result of two epiphany moments, one being an ‘by a sermon from his Pastor, L.H Hardwick, that inspired him to keep his promise to a 9 year old inner city child abandoned by his mother and left him alone traumatized physically, emotionally, and socially.  A promise so big he knew it would take an army of professional caregivers, therapist, case managers, psychiatric and medical personnel, and safe homes to stop anything like this from happening ever again.

Kenny has done his best in attempting to keep that promise as best he could by helping over 110,000 children and adults over the last 21 years with hiring approximately 350 employees during this time period.

The second inspirational epiphany was when Kenny and his wife upon finished their Will, although initially feeling good about its completion, he later felt something was still missing.  This something was an incomplete story of knowing about his ancestors.  He could leave his children the rest of his story and it bothered him.  So much so over the next three years he was able to find a story, not just a story, but one like he had never heard before.  As he began to put the pieces all together out of it, came their lives of all his grandfathers, some sixth great grandfathers that emerged, all the way back to 1709.

Finally having finished the book, Kenny can’t wait to share it with his friends, family, counselors, leaders, pastors, medical staff, artist, coaches, and atheletes..  Issues of risk, loss, exploration, joy,  addictions, repentance, making amends, reconciliation, it was as if reels of old abandoned tapes were found. something was still missing despite ensuring his kids  What he found in was an amazing story, so much so, he added his own child hood and years growing up as well.  His message to everyone is this, were losing our sense of story, kids want to hear inspired stories, more than toys, games, money, wealth, fame, or recognition, we must help our children find and maintain their heritage. His call, we need more keepers of the Story!

Kenny, his wife Raye Ann, and youngest daughter Kelsey, studying to be a speech pathologist live 35 miles south of Nashville, surrounded by the beautiful rolling hills of Tennessee.  Kenny’s oldest son Landon, is a senior care administrator, and his middle daughter has been a teacher for 10 years and has  three children.  Identical twins,  Easton and Cooper eight, and  youngest daughter Gracelyn is two.

Kenny still enjoys running, playing golf, walking, hiking, and plans to begin riding a 10 speed this spring.   In terms of his favorite football team, hands down, the LSU Tigers which represents the state where he was born. Lake Charles, LA.

But none these things compare to his deep love for Christ, love of family, and dear friends.  These are ones he calls, the true riches and wealth of his life.

Please contact Kenny Mauck via e-mail should you desire him to speak an inspirational speaker for your  church, business, or conference. Write Kenny at kenny.mauck@lifecarefoundations.org, or leave message at 615-781-0055 so we can return your call.

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